Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I want to marry Paul McCartney

Because I'm SUUUURRRREEE I could live on $50 million, PLUS $70,000 annually, AND pocket change for nannies and other "necessities." That's what Heather Mills is bitching about gett from the ex-Beatle.

Just for one day I'd like to live in the world of the rich and famous. If for nothing more than to prove to myself that the grass really IS greener. The incessant bullshit about "how celebrities still have problems" simply rings hollow. Sure, they have problems. But $50 million can BUY a lot of happiness and make a whole lot of problems disappear.
Don't get me wrong. There are a lot of things in my life I wouldn't sell for $50 trillion. But I pretty sure all that cash would make me happier, better looking and a helluva nicer guy.

So get over yourself, Heather. After all with $50 million, you can buy a zillion fake legs at about $2,000 per stick.

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