Friday, June 25, 2010


It's been some time since I've posted so I thought some 3WW would help spark the juices.

feign, imply, virtue

Virtue was his aim. After all, you don't fuck someone over like that -- especially someone you know, even if he is just a casual friend and not your BFF.
That's not to imply she wasn't worth cock-blocking for -- she was amazing, everything he wanted. Smart, funny, beautiful, engaging, independent and captivating; all the things he'd sought all those post-divorce years, all the things he'd sought on endless, unsufferable blind dates, set-ups and fix-ups. All the things he'd been seeking, but not finding on those uncomfortable dates that both parties knew were fruitless but would feign the cliche "I'll-give-you-a-call-sometime" line to spare the others' feeling and save a little dignity, when both new damn well that there was no tomorrow -- hell, there wasn't even a today -- for a possible relationship.
But as wonderful as she was -- as giddy as he was about being with her -- virtue kept coming back into the equation.
"Do things the right way," he always preached.
It was a cornerstone of who he was, what he was about and the way he lived his life. And now he was having to not only listen to his own advice, but live his own advice. Oh, the irony.
It was the ultimate battle of wants, desires, needs and delayed gratification. He knew they had more in common; they were more compatible; and ultimately, he felt, destined to be together.
But he had to wait until life played out how it was supposed to. In the meantime, he would sit, wait, pine and dream. For the day virtue would pay him back.

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